When You’re Tired of Waking Up in the Morning,
Looking in the
Mirror, and Seeing the Same Body You Had Yesterday…
BURN PM Helps You Torch Fat While You Sleep, Helping You Wake Up Feeling, and Looking Leaner Each and Every Day
How BURN PM Helps Unlock the Secrets to Nighttime, While-You-Sleep, Relentless Fat Loss
Improve Sleep, Recovery, and Boost Energy Levels
- Torch Fat All Night Long Without Feeling Jittery
- Shut Down Fat-Producing Hormone Cortisol
- Burn Excess Body Fat Around the Clock
- Mobilize Fat Stores & Destroy Them, Fast

Want to Melt Fat 24/7, SPECIFICALLY While You Sleep?
Start Burning Fat Around the Clock
Harness the Power of Nighttime Fat Loss to Transform Your Body Twice as Fast
BURN PM is designed to put your body into fat-melting mode all night long.
Because BURN PM is packed with both powerful fat-burners and relaxation & recovery agents like L-Tryptophan and Melatonin, you’ll be able to easily fall into a deep, restful sleep which helps stimulate your body’s metabolism, and shreds fat around-the-clock.
How to Melt Fat All Night Long with BURN PM:

BURN PM destroys your body’s fat reserves by:
1. Dramatically increasing your body’s
#1 Fat Melting
Hormone, Leptin(1,2).
Studies show that how many hours you sleep directly affects your production of Leptin.(3)
Sleep too little, or too lightly, and your body’s fat burning machinery shuts down.
BURN PM helps you fall into a deep sleep, which increases your Leptin levels, and keeps you burning fat 24/7
2. Leptin is your body’s fat-burning Superhero.
Cortisol is the Super Villain… and it’s intent on making you fat especially in your stomach & love handles(3)
Cortisol is produced when you’re under stress and tired.
It increases your sugar cravings, increases your appetite, and puts your body into fat-storage mode(4)

Losing sleep has been shown to increase your Cortisol levels.
BURN PM’s fat loss ingredients kick your body out of fat-storage and into fat-melting mode.
Plus, the sleep-inducing ingredients help squash Cortisol and increase Leptin.
3. Sends your metabolism skyrocketing while decreasing your appetite and bloating
The fat burning agents in BURN PM help move fat from inside your cells into your bloodstream.
Now, most fat burners fail you miserably at this point
They leave
the fat in your blood where it circulates.
Raises your
triglyceride levels.
eventually re-settles as body fat.
Don’t worry - BURN PM's ingredients zap the fat once it enters your bloodstream.
Combine this with the natural appetite suppression that comes from both the ingredients and a full night’s sleep.
the decrease in bloating, and the drastic increase in Leptin, and your body will be burning fat in 3-critical ways, 24/7.

How Your Body Will Benefit from BURN PM:
6 Ultra-Powerful Fat-Nuking Ingredients-
BURN PM doesn’t simply rely on stimulants like most fat burners. Instead, BURN PM helps
you drop a nuclear bomb on your body fat by attacking it from all-angles with 6-super
powered fat burners.
Natural Appetite Suppression-
Lack of sleep has been linked to fat gain and increased appetite(6). BURN PM
helps you sleep more deeply while its active ingredients mobilize your fat then
incinerate it before it can re-settle onto your body.

More Energy, Better Recovery, Less Cravings-
The quantity and quality of your sleep directly affects your metabolism, energy levels,
and fat-burning ability(5). They can also help you recover faster from your
workouts, and quality sleep has been shown to crush sugar cravings.
Premium Ingredients and Dosage-
Research-backed ingredients provided in their proper doses.*

What Makes BURN PM So Powerful: Science & Research-Backed Fat-Melting and Sleep-Enhancing Ingredients
Maximum Dosage For Maximum Fat Burn:
(We do not cut corners)
- Have you tried fat burners before, but were disappointed in the results?
- The sad reality is that most fat burners on the market contain very few effective ingredients.
- Adding in actual proven fat burning substances is expensive.
- So, to maximize profits, they load each dose with useless fillers, then they rely completely on stimulants to make you “feel” something after you take it.
- They are literally nothing more than outrageously-overpriced coffee in pill form.
doesn’t use stimulants.
In fact, each dose is jam-packed with fat-burning and sleep-enhancing ingredients. We do not use fillers.
This means that you get the absolute maximum level of fat-destroying ingredients with each dose - this saves you money, time, and helps you transform your body at least 2x Faster.

Ingredients and Dosage
Research-backed ingredients provided in their proper doses.*
BURN PM’s All-Star Fat-Shredding Team
Raspberry Ketones
Want to reach into your cells and literally pull the fat out before pulverizing it? Raspberry Ketones have been shown in animal studies to help your body eviscerate fat within your body’s cells(7)
They also help you produce Adiponectin, a protein your body uses to regulate your metabolism(8). Combined with regular exercise, Raspberry Ketones will supercharge your fat loss.

If you want to crush Cortisol, and be able to easily fall into a deep, muscle-building, fat-burning sleep, L-Tryptophan has been scientifically proven to be one of the most powerful natural sleep aids in the world(9)(10)
Your body cannot produce L-Tryptophan(11). That’s why it’s ultra important to get this powerful ingredient into your body through supplements. BURN PM uses a potent strain of L-Tryptophan to help you get better sleep and improve performance.
White Kidney Beans
Want to stop your body from converting starches to fat? Exercise helps burn off excess starches from the food you eat, but unfortunately, there will always be some left in your bloodstream.
White Kidney Beans have been proven to help prevent your body from using those extra starches and blocks them from becoming body fat.

Lemon Balm Leaf
Lemon Balm Leaf is a powerful natural sleep aid.(12)
Remember, sleeping deeply every night helps curb cortisol levels, which helps your body get out of fat-storage mode while turning on your body’s fat-burning machinery. Lemon Balm Leaf is loaded with antioxidants and improves digestion, which can help your body torch fat faster.
Saffron Flower
Saffron Flower is loaded with special antioxidants, including crocetin and crocins, that hunt down and destroy fat in your bloodstream.
Saffron Flower’s antioxidant blend is so powerful that studies have shown it can help reduce waist size and manage weight.(13)

Green Coffee Bean Extract
If you want to shred fat fast, you need to torch fat in your cells while you sleep.
- Boost fatty acid oxidation(14)
- Increase lipolysis inside fat cells(15)
- Elevate levels of plasma adiponectin(14)
Why not just drink coffee? Unfortunately Chlorogenic Acid is destroyed when coffee is roasted. Luckily, we’ve isolated this powerful fat loss agent and loaded a maximum dose into BURN PM.
Dandelion Root
Sick of feeling bloated after you eat? Do your protein shakes make you feel like you swallowed a balloon?
Dandelion Root has been used for hundreds of years as a digestive aid. It has been shown to reduce bloating, and can increase your body’s Vitamin A levels.
Because BURN PM contains a max dose of Dandelion Root, you’ll actually wake up feeling more ripped every single day.

Melatonin is a powerful natural sleep aid. However, helping you quickly fall into a deep, restorative sleep is only a small part of how Melatonin can help accelerate your fat burning.
- Studies show that Melatonin can actually help you burn body fat by increasing a special type of fat in your body. Seems contradictory, but Melatonin may increase “Beige” fat.(16)
- Beige fat increases your body’s thermic-sensitivity to exercise. Quite simply, this fat helps your body shred more fat every time you workout.(17)
- Every dose of BURN PM gives your body the Melatonin it needs to help you fall asleep, and increase beneficial Beige Fat.
Vitamin D3 Cholecalciferol
Want to increase your leptin levels, suppress your appetite, and supercharge your metabolism around the clock?
Studies from around the world have shown that Vitamin D plays a major role in how much Leptin your body produces.(18) Vitamin D deficiencies have been linked to increase fat gain and obesity.(19)
It also helps blunt your appetite by telling your brain that you feel full. One study in Australia actually showed that people who ate a breakfast high in Vitamin D reduced their appetites dramatically for the next 24-hours!
BURN PM contains a healthy megadose of Vitamin D3 Cholecalciferol, your body’s preferred form of Vitamin D, the same type that your skin cells synthesize from sunlight to help your body produce more Leptin,(20) and burn more fat(21) all-day and night.

BURN PM is Your Nuclear Bomb for Fat Loss. What are you waiting for?
BURN PM is the most cutting-edge, nighttime thermogenic fat burner available. Each capsule contains the proper effective dose of the most powerful fat burning and sleep-enhancing ingredients available on the market today.

Are you ready to burn fat, increase energy, increase your recovery, preserve lean muscle, suppress appetite, and improve your mood?
BURN PM will put your body into fat-melt mode around-the-clock by increasing the amount of fat you burn naturally, even while you sleep.

BURN PM was created using only the best fat-loss ingredients in effective doses.
By targeting the fat burning process through multiple pathways in the body, BURN PM attacks fat loss from every angle, giving you the secret weapon for fat loss none of your friends know about.

We GUARANTEE that BURN PM will be the most effective fat loss supplement that you will ever use… or your money back.
We guarantee that our customers get nothing but the purest, safest and highest quality fat-burning ingredients available. We will NEVER sacrifice quality and we are willing to put our money where our mouth is to prove that.
All of our supplements undergo rigorous, third-party testing to verify label claims, plus, all of our supplements are tested at multiple points from start to finish. This means every does is packed with the strongest, highest quality ingredients for you.
Stop wasting your money on underdosed, weak fat burners that are ineffective and flat out don’t work. Get serious long-term results 24/7 with BURN PM, and finally get that ripped physique that you’ve always wanted!
Try BURN PM today and if you aren’t blown away by your results, we’ll give you every penny back, no questions asked.