These Are Two of China’s TOP Neurosurgeons.

Why are they laying on the floor?
Because they’ve just finished a grueling 32 hour brain surgery.
The complex operation required a team of…
- Three surgeons..
- six anesthesiologists…
- and eight nurses.
And consisted of SIX separate operations. All in efforts to remove a series of brain tumors from the brain of ONE SINGLE patient.
Working NON-STOP from Saturday morning to Sunday Afternoon. It was the longest operation EVER completed at Fujian Medical University Union Hospital.
And during the operation the doctors ONLY took short breaks.
While the patient’s family members worried whether the surgeons could handle the tremendous physical strain.
The surgeons powered through and in the end, the surgery was a complete and total SUCCESS.
Ultimately, saving the woman's life.
Here’s Dr. Zbigniew Religa a Polish heart surgeon.

Dr. Zbigniew performed Poland’s first heart transplant…
He can be seen in the photo above monitoring the patient’s vital signs as one of his staff members sleeps in the corner.
This image would eventually be named National Geographic’s Image of the Year.
But what’s most impressive is that this operation took over 23 hours.
And Dr. Zbigniew was there for every second and it too was a success.
So how did they do it?
How is it that surgeons like this can perform at such SUPERHUMAN levels.
How is it that that they can remain productive, alert, and at the TOP of their game…
Hour after hour…
...procedure after procedure
And success after success?

What is it that allows these doctors to engage in such difficult and seemingly impossible tasks?
Rising to the challenge, staying calm AND laser focused.
And their THINKING crystal clear...
All while delicately balancing on the fine line between life and death?
That’s a GREAT question.
But unfortunately we may never fully understand the NEXT level mental capabilities these top surgeons possess...
So a BETTER question is...How can YOU achieve MORE?
How can you improve your mental performance by harnessing the power of YOUR own mind.
Whether you’re…
- A Doctor
- A Student
- An Entrepreneur
- A Corporate executive
- A Gamer
- An Athlete
- A Busy Mom
Or simply someone who wants to MAXIMIZE their own mental performance.
How can you obtain a more efficient brain?
- A better memory...
- Laser like focus
- And enhanced mental endurance
- All while enjoying the ability to learn faster and easier than ever before..
While turning your brain into a “SUPER BRAIN” ?
Those were the EXACT questions a team of researchers from Imperial College in London and Cambridge University set out to answer.
And in the next 3 minutes.
I’m going to show you EXACTLY what they found.
More importantly…
I’ll show you how you can use their findings to MAXIMIZE your own mental potential Easily hopping from task to task without losing your train of thought…
Using a “mental checklist” instead of having to write everything down…
Being able to remember passwords, combinations, and PIN codes without having to write them down...

Instantly recalling new information.
And enjoying crystal clear thinking and a steel trap memory.
You see, everyone wants to DISCOVER what the limits of the human mind really are.
Breakthrough Study!
And researchers in London had the perfect test subjects.
A group of sleep deprived surgical residents looking for a way to UP their game
Scientists wanted to see if there was a way to get MORE out of these doctors
Not by simply keeping them awake by using caffeine or other stimulants…
But by actually turning their brain power up a notch.
And in doing so....
- Improving their skills.
- Sharpening their memories.
- Enhance their ability to solve complex problems.
- And harness their power of focus.
To do this…
Researchers conducted what’s known as a parallel, double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled study…
In other words…
“The Gold Standard In Medical Research”

Their goal was to determine whether or not surgeons given so-called “smart drugs” could perform better and safer operations.
And it turns out…
They could.
During the study thirty-nine healthy male resident doctors received either 200mg of a well known “smart drug” or a placebo.
Next they were given a series of neuropsychological tests used to assess their brain function.

And what they discovered was that doctors given the “smart drug”...
- Performed MUCH better.
- They had better recall and memory.
- Were better able to plan.
- Had better problem solving abilities.
- And were better able to redirect their attention when given a new task.
- The control group showed no such improvement.
Think about it.
This is a COMPETITIVE surgical residency program which means that you are ALWAYS competing for the top spot.
The group given the “smart drug” performed head and shoulders above the control group
Giving them an UNFAIR advantage!
And while the doctors in this study used a prescription drug known for its ability to stimulate the brain…
New research has shown that it’s possible to get similar effects…
WITHOUT a prescription.
In fact, the field of natural brain enhancement IS now a Multi-Billion Dollar Industry.
And researchers have identified “several” natural compounds with MAJOR brain boosting benefits.
The best part?
Unlike many prescription drugs..
These new brain and memory boosting discoveries have no serious side effects…
Many are supported by multiple clinical studies...
And some even go to work immediately...
They are not classified as medications or prescription drugs (well not in the United States anyway)
And I’m not talking about Omega 3s, Vinpocetine, caffeine, or any other supplement you’ve ever heard of…
Yet, today these powerful natural compounds are some of the most sought after “natural” mental performance boosters on the planet…
People swear by their ability to...
- Lift brain fog…
- Laser target their focus…
- And spark their creativity

From students looking to gain an UNFAIR advantage, get ahead and crush their competition
To Silicon Valley CEOs looking to boost their deal flow, close more sales and grow their companies...
These breakthroughs have the ability to…
- “CHANGE” your brain!
- And the more you use them…
- The BETTER it gets.
However, because they are SO effective
The government is NOW trying to control their distribution.
And I’m about to show you WHY these brain boosting compounds have become the “go to” neuro-nutrients for top performers around the world.
So make sure you read this until the very end
- Because, if you’re looking for a mental edge…
- Whether it be at school
- at work
- at home
- Against your fellow gamers
- or in the cut throat world of business and investing
You must keep reading this
urgent letter right now.
In the next 3 minutes I’m going to share exactly what these brain boosting discoveries are…
All of the science behind how they work, including specific studies that back up everything I’m saying…
Plus, I’ll share how you can…
Start Using These Brain Boosters TODAY…

- To enhance your focus.
- supercharge your memory.
- boost your mental performance.
- and exceed EVEN your own expectations...

But, before I do all of that, I have to warn you…
Some of these breakthroughs hold worldwide patents…
Which means they pose a REAL threat to the “Powers That Be” …
Because, with many of these cognitive enhancers ALREADY holding patents…
There’s NO way that BIG PHARMA can control them.
And that’s a REAL threat.
An Unfair Mental Advantage
It’s also because with the unfair mental advantage it gives athletes, entrepreneurs, students and gamers…
And the NEW evidence coming out almost daily…
Many of these patent holders are beginning to “RETHINK” their strategy.
Many are weighing their options and looking for ways they can corner the market on mental performance.
For some that means even acquiring “drug status” here in the United States for certain brain enhancers like they have in Europe.
- And it only makes sense.
- You see, by controlling its distribution…
- These companies can keep demand high and prices even higher.
- Plus, they know... Once you experience the mental edge many of these mental optimizers can deliver…
- You’ll wonder how you ever lived without them.
Add to this the fact that they’re safe, non-habit forming and at the moment extremely inexpensive.
And you have possibly the safest, most effective and affordable brain enhancing compounds ever developed.

So please, pay close attention to the following information…
Because these “NEURO-NUTRIENTS” may be the the QUICKEST and cheapest way to…
- Enhance your memory.
- Laser target your focus.
- And accelerate your ability to get things done faster and more efficiently than ever before.
But it may not be available for long.
So be sure to pay close attention.
World’s First Nootropic

Now, you’ve probably heard the term nootropic before.
The term nootropic was first used by the Romanian psychologist and chemist Dr. Corneliu Giurgea.
In 1964 Dr. Giurgea synthesized Piracetam the world’s first nootropic.

Piracetam is a compound shown to boost memory, learning, creativity, verbal fluency, and brain circulation.
And since it was created…
A variety of nootropics have been developed.
Some in the form of prescription drugs also called “smart drugs”.
Others in the form of natural supplements.
Limitless Pill
And if you’ve ever seen the movie Limitless…
You can see WHY nootropics have become so popular and many experts liken them to rocket fuel for your mind.
Put simply…
Nootropics are often called “smart drugs” and are supplements that boost your brain function.

They’ve been shown to help with…
- Memory
- Recall
- Processing NEW information
- Focus
- And concentration
- In essence, they expand your mental capabilities.
And it’s not just doctors using nootropics to give them the winning edge.
They’ve become the “norm” …
With Silicon Valley entrepreneurs…
...Hedge Fund Managers
...Corporate Executives
...College Students
...Busy Moms
...And Gamers.
“Second Smartest Man”

Even Rick Rozner the world’s “second smartest man” attributes much of his brain power to the use of nootropics.
So my question to you is…
If ALL of these high achieving, successful men and women at the top of their game swear by them…
Makes you wonder what kind of unfair advantage they might give you in your own life with work, school, or just day to day, doesn’t it?
Just look at what some of the top media outlets have to say about the use of nootropics...
- CNN claims they are DRIVING Silicon Valley…
- Forbes Magazine confirms that the richest investors in the world are putting their money into nootropics RIGHT now..
- The San Francisco Chronicle wrote about how they were quickly becoming known as the NEW “smart pills”
- The Washington Post said people were using them to “tweak their brains” in efforts to beat out the competition...
- And Chris Sacca, the billionaire investor who you can catch on Shark Tank from time to time say’s that nootropics have helped him improve his mental performance.
- Even Dr. Oz has dedicated ENTIRE shows specifically to the topic of nootropics and “smart drugs”...
Now as you’re about to see…
Why Do Some People Achieve So Much?
There’s a reason why some people achieve so much.
And believe it or not…
They’re NOT all born with superior talents and abilities.
Sure some ARE…
But MOST aren’t.
There are reasons why some doctors, entrepreneurs, athletes, high powered CEOs and other successful people are able to DO what they DO.
And once you dig a little deeper, you begin to realize…
They have a secret.
A secret they don’t want you to know about.
It’s better if it appears that all of their success is just because they’re smarter than us…
Have more mental endurance than us…
Or that they were somehow born with a superior intellect.
Don’t believe it for a second!
- But NOW you can enjoy the SAME unfair advantage.
- And it’s all because of a new generation of nootropics…
- And these “smart pills” are quickly leveling the playing field.
- Allowing EVERYONE to tap into their mental reserves to achieve amazing results.
- Making what was once impossible now POSSIBLE.
But before you run out and just try any nootropic supplement.
There are a few things you should know.
First and foremost there are only a few nootropics out there that have been rigorously studied.
In fact a few have even been granted patents.
Which means that they have unique properties that CANNOT be duplicated.
And by trusting some of the “other” so-called nootropics out there you’re really putting your success and yourself at risk.
Top Rated

The first and perhaps the most exciting brain enhancer leading this mental revolution is called Noopept.
Noopept is one of the MOST sought after nootropics on the planet and for good reason.
It was first developed in Russia with the goal of using it to support specific neurological functions...
And today one of Russia’s largest pharmaceutical companies owns the patent on it.
Which means in Russia it’s ONLY available by prescription and it’s VERY expensive.
Luckily, here in in the United States, it’s STILL available without a prescription but not just to anyone.
You have to know where to look, as I’ll show you in a just minute.
And because it’s formulated using a combination of natural amino acids…
It’s considered very safe.
Now when it comes to the actual research behind noopept, here’s where it REALLY shines…
It all started back in the 80s when the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences began working on improving the original nootropic “Piracetam”.
In 1996 they created noopept…
And what they found was that Noopept…
Exhibited the highest nootropic activity of any substance they tested.
It improved learning and memory and it worked in doses 3 times lower than the corresponding doses of piracetam.
In one major animal study published in the journal Brain Research Bulletin…
It was found that noopept increases brain activity and “alpha wave function” in all areas of the brain…
In humans, an increase in alpha waves is associated with an increase in creative thinking.
Impressive, isn’t it?
And those are just the animal studies…
In one Russian study using healthy volunteers…
Researchers evaluated them to determine how Noopept would affect them as they were exposed to a variety of stressful situations.
Here’s what they found…
Noopept not only had a favorable effect on their psychological ability to rapidly respond to changing environments but it also enhanced their work capacity.

This is one of the reasons why so many professionals who compete in the high stakes and incredibly stressful world of business and investing swear by noopept.
And while noopept is prescribed millions of time each year in Russia...
And has been shown in several studies to help prevent memory loss and stop cell death in the brain.
Most people here in the United States have never even heard of it…
I bet you’ve never heard of it either.
But Noopept is just one of this NEW BREED of nootropics.
Patented Neuro-Nutrient
Designed For Success
The second nootropic making waves is a what’s known as Synapsa™.

Synapsa™ is a patented, standardized form of Bacopa monnieri…
Bacopa Monnieri has been the subject of over 30 years of clinical study.
And what makes Synapsa™ so exciting is the fact that most brain health supplements focus on the issues of cognitive decline and other brain diseases.
In contrast, the studies behind Synapsa™ focus on its ability to engineer ‘peak cognitive performance’ instead.
In six double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies, healthy adults using Synapsa™ have shown to significantly improve in a variety of brain performance metrics.
- visual processing
- learning rate
- working memory
- information retention
And mental performance in cognitively demanding environments versus placebo

- In a 2001 study, supplementation with Synapsa™ improved the rate of learning, memory consolidation, and visual information processing in participants
- In a 2002 trial, participants taking Synapsa™ showed improved memory retention
- A 2008 double-blind, placebo-controlled study of Synapsa™ (again the scientific gold standard for research) showed improved working memory, sustained attention, and accuracy in complex mental tasks in participating subjects
- And in a 2012 study, Synapsa™ supplementation was found to improve decision making and information processing in subjects participating in multitasking activities.
As you can see, the research behind Synapsa™ is strong…
But there’s more
Synapsa™ is extremely safe and can be used long-term to enhance learning and memory
In addition to Synapsa™ there are other nootropics that have also shown some impressive results.
Brain Boosting Tea?

The next one is called L-theanine.
L-theanine is an active ingredient in tea…
And if you’ve ever experienced the calming and soothing effects of tea…
That’s L-theanine at work.

In other words, it’s kind of like the “anti-caffeine” in tea…
It’s one of the reasons why drinking cup after cup of tea doesn’t make you feel anxious and jittery the way coffee can.
So why am I listing it here as a nootropic if it soothes and calms your mind?
Because, several studies have shown L-theanine to be extremely helpful when it comes to improving your memory.
In one major study published in the journal Trends in Food Science & Technology…
It was found that “L-theanine acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain”…
And helps speed up the rate at which people can remember important information…
It has also been shown to reduce the time it takes to learn new things.
These findings were confirmed in a separate study published in The Journal of Nutrition…
Here scientists discovered that L-theanine is able to cross the blood-brain barrier…
- Allowing it to bind with the neurotransmitters associated with learning and memory…
- All while increasing brain activity.
- And these aren’t the only studies confirming the brain boosting power of L-theanine.
In the Asian Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition researchers found that L-Theanine significantly increases activity in the alpha frequency band which indicates that it relaxes the mind without inducing drowsiness.
As you recall, increased alpha wave activity is associated with an increase in creative thinking and memory.
And get this…

In the Journal of Physiological Anthropology scientists found that L-theanine was effective in reducing temporary anxiety brought on by stressful situations.
What this means is that L-theanine keeps you calm during tense negotiations,while taking a test, competing in a game of wits or working on a complex problem.
L-theanine helps keep your mind calm, focused and engaged.
So that you can do your BEST mental work.
The last nootropic on my list is one of the most powerful.
Patented Indian Brain Food
It’s called EnXtra™ and it’s a DNA-authenticated, stimulant-free energy ingredient that provides fast, effective and safe energy.

- EnXtra™ is derived from a plant mostly grown in India called Alpinia galanga well known for its medicinal benefits.
- EnXtra™ has been shown in a variety of Randomized Controlled Trials to increase mental alertness.
In one study published in the Journal of The American College of Nutrition researchers found that taking EnXtra™ resulted in a boost in mental alertness within one hour…
In later studies also published in the American College of Nutrition it was discovered that the elevated levels of mental alertness seen with EnXtra™ can last for up to five hours..
In that same study, researchers also uncovered the adenosine-blocking effects of EnXtra™.
Here’s why that’s important…
- As adenosine is created in your brain, it binds to adenosine receptors.
- This brings on drowsiness and slows down nerve cell activity.
- By blocking adenosine from binding it helps maintain nerve cell activity.
- Which means you’ll stay mentally sharp AND alert.
But there’s more…
Because in addition to its ability to enhance mental alertness by blocking adenosine…
EnXtra™ also stimulates the release of dopamine.
And in the Journal of Neuroscience researchers found that dopamine improves long term memory.
These 4 nootropics are powerful.
And all have their unique advantages.
- But how far can they really take you?
- Where is the “glass ceiling” in human mental performance?
- And which nootropic should you try first?
Some experts say that the SKY really is the LIMIT.
As the potential of the human mind continues to defy all logic as new capabilities are uncovered.
But ONE THING is for sure… Many of the world’s top mental performers swear by them.
And now it’s your turn.
Just imagine…
Maximizing your ability to focus, pay attention, and multi-task.
Imagine how confident you’ll feel – knowing, no matter what your day holds, you’ll be able to conquer it with sharp, creative and crystal clear thinking.
As you can see, these “smart pills” deliver incredible results.
Now before you run out and try to source all of these brain boosting ingredients yourself, praying that you get the dosage correct...
You may want to check this out.
- You see, besides the fact that it’s almost impossible to get these PATENTED ingredients on your own…
- If you do manage to track down a source who knows what you’ll pay…
- ...or even if it’s the “real stuff”
- You have no way of knowing.

But don’t worry…
Because we’ve done all the HEAVY lifting for you.
And I’ll be honest, at first we intended on just keeping it to ourselves.
You see, much like the Russians…
We also like the idea of working with unfair advantages.
Who doesn’t?
And there’s NOTHING that will boost your performance more than a superbly formulated nootropic blend.
Which is why we created our own.
And once it was created....
It exceeded even our expectations.
It was SO powerful, so mind altering…
We had no choice but to share it with other Biohackers.
That way, anyone with the desire to harness their TRUE potential could do so
SAFELY and without having to spend an arm and a leg buying…
Or resort to buying questionable ingredients on the black market.
That’s why it brings me great pleasure to introduce...
This EXPERT formulated nootropic blend was designed with ONE thing in mind.
- To help you LEAP FROG your way to the top.
- By accelerating your learning, focus, mental clarity and endurance.
- It’s what we call NEURO-HACKING.
- And NOW you can finally experience the benefits of REAL nootropics.

Each bottle of NeurOctane contains 60 capsules inside…
And every capsule contains the clinically effective dose of each of the four nootropic ingredients I’ve shared with you inside this presentation.
But that’s not all…

- It also contains a patented nutrient called Bioperine. Bioperine increases gastrointestinal absorption and improved transfer of nutrients and other biological compounds.
- It also enhances the utilization of these compounds.

What that means is that your body absorbs and utilizes more of these brain boosting compounds.
And because of the quality and scientifically-demonstrated benefits of each ingredient you’ll find inside NeurOctane…
I’m confident in saying this could very well be the most powerful and effective nootropic supplement ever formulated.
You see, by combining these potent “neuro-boosters” in the right forms and doses…
And by adding a patented nutrient proven to facilitate absorption.

We’ve created a “smart pill” designed with ONE goal in mind.
- Maximize YOUR mental performance.
- Improve your memory, attention, and focus…
- Boost your brain power…
- And allow you to experience a brain that’s “cranked up a notch” ...
- Plus, we’ve packed all that into just two tiny pills – which you can take each morning.
is a brand-new formula.
And it’s the closest thing to a “REAL” Limitless Pill that you’ll ever find.
Now I’m sure you’re probably wondering how you can get your hands on NeurOctane…
Am I right?
You’re also probably wondering how quickly you’ll notice it’s benefits.
Well, the truth is…
It’s not particularly easy for most people to get NeurOctane...
Of the 4 proven nootropic ingredients, two are patented and one has a patent pending.
So as you can imagine, they’re very expensive compared to traditional store bought “supplements” .
And because of the heavy regulations associated with “smart drugs” and nootropics…
There is A LOT of red tape.
Plus, all of the testing, quality control, compliance issues and manufacturing takes time.
Think about it…

We’re putting 4 of the world’s leading nootropics all into an easy to swallow capsule.
Not only that…
- But we’re putting them in there in their clinically effective dose.
- And adding a patented ingredient that helps your body absorb them.
- This alone is no easy feat.
And because NeurOctane is so effective at boosting brain power, enhancing memory and focus and increasing your mental performance
Almost everyone who uses NeurOctane orders more.
And for good reason.
They never want to be at a mental disadvantage ever again.
They want to ALWAYS be at the top of their game and as productive as humanly possible.
Plus on top of all this… NeurOctane is becoming very popular with athletes, musicians and the medical community.

Which can make producing enough NeurOctane for everyone even more difficult.
And because the ingredients inside Neuroctane don’t just help with memory, focus, and brain energy...
Even people with access to prescription smart drugs keep ordering NeurOctane instead.
So that they too can experience an optimized mental state WITHOUT dangerous side-effects or addiction.
So as a result of the fact that NeurOctane is expensive to produce…
- That each batch takes several months to manufacture…
- And that it keeps selling out…
- NeurOctane frequently goes out of stock and is not readily available to the public.
- But with that being said…
- I also don’t want anyone to compete at a disadvantage…
- ...struggle to get things done
- …or worry about losing a deal, failing a test or not playing at the level they should be.
That’s why in the next few seconds, I’m going to share how you can get a brand new bottle of NeurOctane today…
Through my new… “Mind Expansion Project.”
First though, let me answer a common question…
Which is, how much NeurOctane should you take?
It’s pretty straight forward…
Just take 2 small capsules each day, for at least 30 days.
- The reason it’s important to take NeurOctane for at least 30 days is simple…
- While the 4 nootropic ingredients inside NeurOctane will go to work right away…
- And you’ll feel the results within an hour or less...
- It can still take at least a few weeks to realize their FULL potential.
Remember these are not simply stimulants you take when you’re looking for a little extra brain power.
These ingredients are scientifically demonstrated nootropics that have a deep and lasting effect on your brain chemistry and overall brain function.
They alter brain waves and stimulate new connections.

And those aren’t the kind of things that just happen the first time you take it.
Your brain will continue to improve as you push yourself through NEW mental boundaries and fuel those changes with the powerful nootropic combo found in NeurOctatne.
That’s why even after NeurOctane has started to improve your short-term memory, focus, and concentration…
You’ll want to keep taking it as long as you value having a mental edge.
It’s for that reason that most brain health and nootropic researchers recommend you choose at least 3 bottles of NeurOctane.
And 6 bottles
if you want to REALLY experience a shift in your long-term mental potential.

Then take it for at least 90 days if not more…
That way you can be positive that you’re doing absolutely everything to experience the highest level of brain function possible.
There’s a reason why more and more business owners, executives, and entrepreneurs are turning to NeurOctane to gain…
A Competitive Edge
It’s always been a competitive and dog eat dog world…
But in today’s fast paced society…
Where information is shared in seconds....and decisions are made even faster….

There’s a heightened atmosphere of competitiveness out there.
And while it used to be the “norm” to build a career over a lifetime…
These days people want to succeed NOW, not in 5, 10, or 20 years.
They want the elevator to success…
They don’t want to work their way up the ladder.
Now it’s your turn.
- It’s time for you to achieve EVERYTHING you’ve ever wanted.
- The money, the success, the cars…
- Other people have done it…
Why can’t you?

Why can’t you have your own “brain boosting” secret?
Just imagine what you’d capable of.
Do you have the next billion dollar business idea?
Are you ready to leave your competition in the dust because they simply can’t keep up?
As they start to lose steam...
Your brain is just getting started…
More active, engaged, and energized.
More confident, focused and alert…
Crystal clear, sharper, and more “dialed in” to everything.
- What do you think is possible?
- What will you do with that kind of brain power?
- Will you start a new company?
- Become a “stock market wizard”?
- Learn a 2nd or 3rd language?
- Or learn to play a musical instrument?
With NeurOcatane the possibilities are limitless...

But I must tell you…
NeurOctane is only available on this website…
And only while there are bottles STILL in stock, and we’re able to sell it to people…
Which could change ANY moment.
The truth is, one of the main ingredients inside NeurOctane has already been patented in Russia by a big pharmaceutical company…

Another one also holds a patent...
And yet another has a patent pending.
What this means is that these companies CONTROL the sales and distribution of these ingredients.
So who knows what they’ll charge in the future or even if the ingredients will be available once word gets out.
And it’s likely only a matter of time until Noopept is regulated in the United States as well.
If that happens…
The only way to get something like NeurOctane is by paying hundreds if not thousands of dollars on the Black Market…
Which I don’t recommend. Or getting a prescription.
Which STILL won’t be cheap.
I don’t want to see that happen.
It’s my solemn goal not to let that happen…
But I also don’t want you to hesitate.
NeurOctane is your best chance for developing a sharper mind, experience accelerated learning, and higher mental performance Without drugs… And it’s something that can work for you now, and far into the future…
Keeping you sharp, competitive, and ahead of the pack for years to come.
Who knows what you can accomplish?
- Using NeurOctane might even end up being the catalyst to a million dollar idea…
- Or the difference between an average career and a high-end job.
- A thriving company or one struggling to make it.
Now is the time to get NeurOctane into your hands right now.
Of course that isn’t to say there aren’t other alternatives out there…
You could try medications like the one used in that study I shared with you earlier…
But that requires a full neurological and psychological workup by a medical specialist.

And the truth is…
- Not only can these medications cost thousands of dollars each year…
- But some of them come with nasty side effects…
- Most brain supplements come up short too…
- Some of them do help with short-term problems…
- And many of them simply just add caffeine to their formula
- That way you feel a little jolt when you take it.

But the fact is...
- Most supplements you hear about out there, including Fish Oil, are ultimately worthless when it comes to giving you a mental advantage.
- So why would you spend $500 per year or more on things like Omega 3s or off label brain supplements when there’s no evidence they work…
- And when you’re not even sure what’s inside of them.
If you ask me, both medications and most supplements are a dead-end when it comes to boosting your mental performance.
Neuroctane IS Superior
And because NeurOctane is so clearly superior…
You can understand why we originally planned to ask people to invest $169 per bottle for NeurOctane.
When you think about it, that’s a VERY fair price to pay…
- It’s a lot less than you’ll pay for doctor visits, prescriptions, and supplements in a single year…
- And NeurOctane has ingredients proven to make a major impact on your mental performance.
- Plus, considering that it’s very expensive and time consuming to get patented ingredients like noopept and synapsa to the U.S…
- $169 for a full month’s supply really is quite a steal.

Yet despite all of that…

I can tell you right now that our goal in creating NeurOctane wasn’t to make money.
Instead our goal was to bring a truly revolutionary brain enhancing product to the market.
A product that equals the playing field for the rest of us and could mean the difference between success and failure.
Making a fortune and barely getting by.
And in the case of our doctor customers…life and death.
The ingredients in NeurOctane are powerful alone.
That’s why 2 of them have already been granted PATENTS. One has a patent pending.
And if you count Bioperine, the patented ingredient we’ve added to the formulation to enhance absorption...
4 of the 5 ingredients are either patented or have patents pending.
That’s powerful!
- Expanding your mental capacity and enhancing your brain function isn’t just protecting what’s important to you…
- It’s also important to those who depend on you…those who are directly affected by your success or your failure.
- And because I want to ensure that you are ALWAYS able to mentally play at the highest level…
And because we want EVERYONE to experience what it’s like to have your brain TURNED ON!
We’re offering this nootropic blend to the public for the first time, as part of our “Mind Expansion Project”…
And why if you act right now, and make the life altering decision to join the thousands of achieving men and women who have decided to play at a HIGHER level...
You can get your very own supply of NeurOctane for just $67 per bottle.
And that’s actually just for starters...
While continuing to experience better clarity, focus, and performance for years to come…
I’ve created a substantially discounted multi-bottle plan…
Where you can get 6 bottles of NeurOctane…
For just $32.50 per bottle.

That’s a total of $195…
But this special discount is only being offered to you today though this website…
As part of my
Mind Expansion Project…
And only while supplies last.
But both of these discounts are only available for a limited time.
When we run out of bottles of NeurOctane again, it will take 3 months or longer before we have more…
So click the button below right now and choose the 6 bottle package (or any other package you want) to secure your order.
This is most likely the smallest and most important investment you’ll ever make.

A single bottle of NeurOctane will allow you to experience what’s possible... while improving your focus, concentration and retention.
Three bottles will do the same thing, but things will start to change.
In fact, there’s a very good chance that within 3 months new connections and even new brain cells will begin to form.
Allowing long term changes to occur, that will help you build on your competitive advantage.
And 6 bottles of NeurOctane will give you the BEST chances of long term positive changes.
The kind of changes that can alter the course of your life.
So at this point you’re probably asking “how do I get started?”…
And the answer is easy…
- Simply click the button below right now and choose the package of NeurOctane that’s right for you.
- After pressing that button you’ll go to our secure checkout page, where you’ll enter your order details…
- And within just 2 business days from today…
- Your first bottles will arrive in a small, brown box.
- As soon as your package arrives, open it up and take out your bottles of NeurOctane.
- Shake two of the pills into your hand. Notice how small and easy-to swallow it is… and picture your mind getting quicker – and sharper – every time you take one.
Now imagine… taking your first dose of these “smart pills” first thing tomorrow morning.
By the time you finish your first cup of coffee, you’re already feeling sharper… more focused…and ready to tackle the day.
And, as you go about your daily activities – whether you’re studying for a test, negotiating a billion dollar deal, closing a sale, pulling an all night gaming session or plotting your next move – you feel completely in control, motivated, yet relaxed.
Confident that
you can handle whatever comes your way.
Your thinking will be crystal clear…
And you’ll power through your day with a level of mental superiority you’ve never felt before.
It’s like you’re seeing things in a WHOLE new way.
And if it doesn’t work exactly as I’ve promised you today?
Well… then I’ve got you covered with my “Mind Expansion” Guarantee.
Here’s the deal:
As soon as you’re ready to put NeurOctane to the test, set your watch, your phone or even ask Alexa to set a timer for 60 minutes.
- Then sit down and go to work,
- I want you to notice how you feel…
- Feel the wave of clarity and focus wash over you…
- Feel the calmness and the confidence that starts to happen in your brain.
- And notice how you already start to feel more focused and “in the zone.”

After just 1 hour,
if you don’t feel more alert and focused…
If you don’t notice your mental performance improving…that you’re already beginning to move into uncharted mental territory…
If you don’t feel sharper, more quick-witted, and smarter than you did just days before…
Simply give us a call and we’ll send you a prompt and full refund .No questions asked.
It’s all part of my
“Mind Expansion” Guarantee.
And you have a full 60 days to try it out.
Just take NeurOctane for the next 60 days and see how much better you feel.
How much more in control you are of your mind and of your success.
You can call us in 59 minutes or 59 days…
It doesn’t matter.

We’ll still honor your
100% money-back guarantee.
There’s absolutely no risk when you say “yes” and give NeurOctane a try today.
Just click the button below to choose your package of NeurOctane
Remember: this offer won’t last forever.
But because of our “Mind Expansion Project”
You have the opportunity RIGHT NOW to finally gain the competitive advantage you deserve.
click the button below now.
Don’t Get Left Behind
The way I see it you’re at a crossroads.
On one hand, there’s option #1. Which is: do nothing.
You could leave this page, forget everything you heard today, and continue living your life in slow motion
Keep going through your days just hoping you have enough brain power to get ahead.
And keep lying awake at night, knowing you had the chance to do something about it and you let it slip away.
That’s why I recommend option #2… The “do it” option.

You can cut to the chase and give your brain an unfair advantage with a proven yet safe, and natural solution…
- Enjoy sharp, crystal clear thinking…
- Drastically improve your your memory and focus…
- And optimize your concentration.
All you have to do is click the button below now and tell us where to send your Neuroctane.